+++ State elections +++: Söder wins in Bavaria, Rhine triumphs in Hesse FDP loses entry into parliament in Bavaria

October 8, 2023, 11:19 pm

Söder: Election results require different migration policies

CSU head Markus Söder sees the results of the state elections in Bavaria and Hesse as a mandate for a different migration policy. “For me, the consequences – and this is the most important of all of this electoral result – are the national task of reversing migration policy, of a pact against uncontrolled immigration,” said the Bavarian Prime Minister on Sunday evening in “heute Diário”. “This, I believe, is the real task that we can extract from the two state elections.”

In the state elections in Bavaria, parties to the right of the CSU – the AfD and Free Voters – gained votes. According to projections, Söder’s Christian Socials were below their poor 2018 result (37.2 percent). “Something is changing in democracy in Germany,” said Söder. “We still have to deal with the consequences.”

In the ARD’s “Tagesthemen”, the CSU leader said: “We see the AfD as a right-wing extremist party.” We must not run after the AfD now, we must solve the problems. A different migration policy is therefore quickly needed. “Then you can significantly reduce the AfD.”

Söder also saw the case surrounding an anti-Semitic leaflet, which focused on Free Voters leader Hubert Aiwanger in the election campaign, as a reason for the CSU’s performance: “Before this leaflet case, we were significantly higher “, he said on ZDF.