State of the Union: At least 4 Democrats have tested positive and Marco Rubio says he will BREAK the COVID rule

When asked about his plans for tonight, Rubio's office showed a Dailymax clip of last week's Newsmax in which the Florida senator denounced the COVID Theater.

When asked about his plans for tonight, Rubio’s office showed a Dailymax clip of last week’s Newsmax in which the Florida senator denounced the COVID Theater.

Four Democrats are missing a statement on the state of the Union after announcing that they tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday morning, while Republicans as a senator Marco Rubio they said they were boycotting the speech because of the requirement to test for viruses.

Representative Jamie Ruskin of Maryland, Representative Susan Del Bene of Washington and Senator Alex Padilla of California all reported cases of breakthrough, although fully vaccinated and intensified.

Representative Pete Aguilar of California added that he tested positive on Tuesday afternoon.

The House of Representatives revoked its mask mandate just days before the president Joe BidenAddress on Tuesday evening to a joint session of Congress.

Attendees are still required to show evidence of a negative virus test – something Rubio said he didn’t have time for.

“I don’t have time to go take a COVID test today. “I only do a test if I’m sick,” Rubio told reporters on Monday HuffPost.

When asked for confirmation, Rubio’s office directed to a tweet shared by the Florida senator last week that read “I’m Done with the #Covid Theater,” where he also shared a short clip from a Newsmax interview.

“It’s just a game, so you know what, I’m going to watch the reruns on TV, I don’t have to sit there and go through all this, just to make them feel good, you know how safe a creature is and all that “Rubio said in the video.

“Honestly, I’m just fed up with all this COVID theatrical nonsense.”

Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton also missed Tuesday night’s event.

Florida Sen. Ricky of Rio, Rick Scott, said he would decide today whether to attend Biden’s big speech.

“I have not made a final decision on this,” Scott told News Talk 101, according to Florida Politics.

The security fence surrounds the US Capitol on the morning of President Joe Biden's first address on the state of the Union in Washington, DC on March 1.

The security fence surrounds the US Capitol on the morning of President Joe Biden’s first address on the state of the Union in Washington, DC on March 1.

The fences were erected

The fences were erected “out of great care,” according to Capitol police

Scott, who heads the Senate’s election department, said “nothing good will happen” during the president’s remarks.

“I don’t want to feel so obligated to stand up and say, ‘This is a lie.’ Because that’s how you feel, “he explained.

On behalf of the House, five Republicans said they were boycotting: Representative Chip Roy of Texas; Representative Andrew Clyde of Georgia; representative Mary Miller of Illinois; representative Bob Good of Virginia; and representative Matt Rosendale of Montana.

Miller told the that he was not present “on behalf of the American people who were fired” because of the mandates for a vaccine against COVID.

“Americans are outraged that Democrats voted to remove COVID restrictions or not and decided to remove the mask mandate just before Joe Biden’s state of political optics. “I am boycotting the state of the Union on behalf of the American people who were fired because Joe Biden’s White House has armed heavily armed private employers to introduce illegal vaccine mandates,” Miller said.

The news of their boycott was first reported in the Daily Caller.

“Members of Congress should not be tested for COVID-19 and social distancing when it is not necessary, and the whole nation has lifted most, if not all, restrictions on coronavirus,” Rosendale told the paper. statement.

Roy’s office confirmed to that he will not be present.

Clyde wrote on Twitter: “I refuse to participate in the Democrat political pandemic theater, so I will not attend Biden’s address on the state of the Union tonight.”

Meanwhile, at least three Democrats are missing, but not by choice.

“Today I tested positive for COVID-19. I am fully vaccinated and reinforced. I will isolate myself and work remotely. My office remains fully operational for the WA-01 components, “DelBene wrote on Twitter on Tuesday morning.

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54817575 10565693 image a 32 1646160698395 54815203 10565693 image a 14 1646159280455 Three Democrats tested positive for COVID-19 in the morning of Biden's speech before a joint session of Congress.  The House of Representatives, in whose hall the President will speak tonight, revoked his mandate for a mask only a few days ago

Three Democrats tested positive for COVID-19 in the morning of Biden’s speech before a joint session of Congress. The House of Representatives, in whose hall the President will speak tonight, revoked his mandate for a mask only a few days ago

Aguilar, who said he tested positive around 1:30 PM East East, attributed the vaccine to his mild illness and said he was “disappointed” to miss Biden’s speech, but looked forward to hearing from POTUS tonight about the vision to build better. ” America “in a statement posted on Twitter.

Ruskin and Padilla said they tested positive Monday night.

The Maryland Democrat spokesman said he was experiencing “mild” symptoms and was disappointed to miss Biden’s speech.

“Yesterday I did a COVID-19 test for members who plan to attend the State of the Union address, and I tested positive. “Once I was fully vaccinated and received a booster, my flu-like symptoms have been quite mild so far,” Ruskin said in a statement.

He said he would continue his work in Congress from home next week.

“I am disappointed that I cannot personally attend President Biden’s address on the state of the Union,” Ruskin added. But I will follow his speech closely. ”

“I will welcome President Biden’s strong call on the world to continue to reject in every way possible Vladimir Putin’s illegal aggression against the people of Ukraine.”

Padilla, a freshman senator appointed by California Governor Gavin Newsom to take the place of Vice President Kamala Harris, said he had shown no symptoms of COVID, although he was positive.

“As I do regularly, I did a COVID test yesterday. Late last night I got a positive result from the test with a breakthrough case. “I am asymptomatic and I am grateful to be fully vaccinated and strengthened,” Padilla wrote on Twitter.

“According to the instructions of the CDC, I isolate myself and work remotely. I will continue to consult with the Capitol doctor and look forward to returning soon.

A fence has been erected around the United States Capitol as a security measure ahead of the state’s Biden address, which will be delivered at 9 p.m.

Capitol police said it was done “with great caution” as law enforcement officers prepare for a possible convoy of trucks to disrupt high-profile events in Washington tonight.

Capitol Police Chief Thomas Manger also requested the assistance of the National Guard and ordered several roads closed before tonight.