Stealth drone and aircraft carrier here is China39s next military

Stealth drone and aircraft carrier: here is China's next military combination

Some satellite photos have immortalized a hypothetical model of the Chinese stealth drone GJ-11 Sharp Sword. In the images reposted on social media and taken in Wuhan, the aircraft can be seen parked on board a plane Test facilitylife-size, designed to imitate the features of China's third aircraft carrier, the also named Type 003 Fujianand launched in June 2022. While waiting for more information, the UAV in question could be part of the Beijing ship, which is also equipped with catapults for launching aircraft, allowing vehicles like the J-35 and the GJ-11 to operate even more efficiently.

China's stealth drone

The news was republished by the portal The Drive, according to which the drone, identified as the GJ-11 or possibly a variant of it, would be in front of a fake aircraft carrier bridge in Wuhan. The drone model will be placed near other “forms” of aircraft testing, including the carrier-based fighter aircraft J-15 and the camouflage on the bow J-35. It is unclear when the image was taken and nothing directly suggests that it is not authentic.

The Chinese aircraft carrier model will be used to evaluate the aircraft's potential use at sea, including how it will fit and move on the aircraft carrier's deck. Radio emissions work and other tests are also carried out at this unique facility. A model of the J-35 carrier fighter has been spotted on the model in the past, further evidence that this aircraft was also intended for future naval applications.

UAVs and aircraft carriers

There have been connections between the FY-11 and the for some time maritime operations. In fact, Chinese media have repeatedly stated that the drone was used aboard army aircraft carriers as part of so-called unarmed reconnaissance. As if that weren't enough, the Chinese military has also begun testing much smaller drones aboard aircraft carriers, without the need for catapults and arresting gear. Several examples of at least two different types of commercial or commercially derived drones with vertical takeoff and landing capability have already been deployed from the deck of the Chinese aircraft carrier Shandong.

However, to take full advantage of a naval GJ-11 or similar design, an aircraft carrier is equipped with it catapult like Fujian. And it is precisely this hypothesis that prevails. In short, a naval version of the GJ-11 could bring new and powerful capabilities to the future wings of Chinese aircraft carriers, not only in terms of unarmed intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capability, but also as electronic warfare. The ISR-configured GJ-11 would extend the sensor's range and increase the awareness and therefore lethality of the carrier strike group. Its stealth properties would also allow it to get remarkably close to enemy forces. A big problem for them United States and their regional partners.