Stefania Pezzopane and Simone Coccia Colaiuta, it’s over: "We are not together anymore. Nine beautiful years"


Stefania Pezzopane and Simone Coccia Colaiuta They said goodbye and ended their love story that started in 2014. It was the same councilor in L’Aquila who announced the news, which came like a bolt from the blue: “Simone and I are no longer together. We matured this decision because the great affection we have for each other, the respect and the special friendship are not enough to continue a life project as a couple.” The policy explained: “We loved each other very much, with passion and joy. Patterns and prejudices were broken. It was wonderful years of mutual discovery, complicity and contamination of our very different worlds.”

Difficult moments and personal attacks Judging from social media, the couple’s last photo together is from Valentine’s Day. Stefania Pezzopane told in the long post that with Simone Coccia Colaiuta they “shared many beautiful and important things, with great enthusiasm and curiosity about history”. From the beginning there were many difficulties, especially after the attacks on social media (and not only) because of the age difference: “We had to fight against the basest malice, the hypocritical prejudices, the false moralisms, the prejudices. personal attacks that served to hurt us, to attack our privacy and our professional activities. We suffered moral and material Harm just because we loved each other. We had to defend ourselves bravely, even when we turned to judges and lawyers. Always be right”.

Everything has changed “We have lived everything intensely while things and people around us have changed. And we have changed too, our commitments, the needs of our families, our expectations for the future have changed. We have always lived our love story with lust, courage and without hypocrisy. And even in this decision we want to be loyal and courageous, give each other back every space of freedom and autonomy, devote ourselves to caring for ourselves, for our individual lives, for our activities, for our children, for our families, to what we think is right for each of us,” continues Stefania Pezzopane. Both she and Simone have children from previous marriages. Politics is Caterina’s mother, while he is Loris’s mother.

The message then continues with the thanks: “As we write to you, we are moved and excited, but determined. We say thank you to those who have loved us, followed us, spoiled us. We are grateful for the friendship and affection you have given us over these 9 years. you were valuable Maybe you can still love us now that Simone and I are no longer a couple. However, we continue to love each other, respect each other and look at each other with a smile. We welcome you with a photo of us that is very close to our hearts and that is a beautiful reminder of our years together,” concludes Stefania Pezzopane.