Stefano De Martino after Belens statements When relationships end there

Stefano De Martino after Belen’s statements: “When relationships end, there are two truths.” The video

«When relationships end there are generally two truths, everyone has their own». Word of Stefano De Martino. The presenter, a few hours after the River interview Belen Rodriguez, So he made his debut with Che tempo che fa. “There are those who want to reveal it and those who keep it to themselves. I chose not to do this for two reasons,” he continued: “The first is for the good that has happened and for what still exists, and I still love Belén very much. And above all because Belén is the mother of my son (Santiago, editor’s note), and that will always be the most important thing.”

On Domenica In, Belén Rodriguez spoke for the first time about her separation, which occurred last spring, after getting back together a few years ago. Belén said she was cheated on by De Martino several times and from then on she collapsed. “The girlsmore than one, They immediately admitted everything. “I got to 12, then I stopped calling,” she revealed when discussing the betrayal. And again the hardest words: “He didn’t know how to help me, he didn’t know how to be a husband. Why didn’t he do it? Because he doesn’t love, or at least he doesn’t love me. So love lies in sickness and in health When the depression came, Because illness is a very ugly beast, they didn’t know how to accompany me, they didn’t know how to hold my hand. I felt complete alone.”

To all this Stefano De Martino he didn’t want to add anything more. Just a wish: “I was listening to the words of Ornella Vanoni for the first time, she was talking about her loved ones,” she added as a guest of Fabio Fazio, “and a phrase from Charlie Chaplin came to mind: “Life is a tragedy when you first see it.” slowly, but in the big picture it’s a comedy.” Here I am I hope the reach extends to our lives too.”