Stephen A Smith brands Jason Whitlock the devil a b

Stephen A. Smith brands Jason Whitlock “the devil,” a “b****” and an “unfortunately fat piece of shit” in a furious 59-minute tirade against his rival: “He's the worst person ever.” you we will ever meet.

Stephen A. Smith launched an angry and foul-mouthed attack on Jason Whitlock on Wednesday's edition of The Stephen A. Smith Show, branding his rival “the devil” and even claiming he was worse than a “white supremacist.”

The X-rated tirade came after Whitlock wrote a column in which he claimed that details in Smith's recently published memoir didn't “add up.”

On Wednesday afternoon, Smith provoked a strong reaction, vowing: “Today is the day I can finally speak my mind about this no-good, fat son of a bitch.” The host of ESPN's “First Take” then went on the attack for 59 brutal minutes in front of his rivals.

“I hate this crap.” Way more than a little. “He’s the worst person you’ll ever meet,” Smith said.

“When you come within a mile of his presence, wrap your arms around yourself to protect your soul.” He is Cain. He's a devil, the worst.'

Stephen A. Smith called Jason Whitlock a

Stephen A. Smith called Jason Whitlock a “b****” and a “fat piece of shit” on his program.

Whitlock wrote a column arguing that several details in Smith's memoir were inaccurate

Whitlock wrote a column arguing that several details in Smith's memoir were inaccurate

Smith added: “He's a piece of shit, he's the guy who's going to have a funeral and there won't be any pallbearers… there might be two people who show up.”

“He’s that guy. He is the absolute worst. And he lies. And he's a burden. And he's trying to set people up to fail.'

The ESPN host suggested that Whitlock's approach was to “get in front of the white people… who may have a problem with the black people.”

“He says, ‘I’m your man’… ask ESPN. Ask Fox. Ask the Kansas City Star. “Ask them all,” Smith claimed.

“As a black man, knowing our history, I couldn’t imagine anything worse than a white racist.” Until Jason Whitlock showed up. He's worse than her. He is the worst, most despicable, lying, useless and fattest person I have ever known in my life.'

Smith also accused Whitlock – a “despicable fellow” – of having “evil, vile tendencies.”

“My religious name for Jason Whitlock is Cain,” he explained. “A lot of black people talk about how we are the original man on this earth.” Well, that means Cain was the original murderer because he is the one who, according to the Bible, killed Abel.

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“He's the guy who's going to have a funeral and there won't be any pallbearers,” Smith said

“This is Jason Whitlock.” There's nothing good about him. Absolutely nothing. And I challenge anyone who knows anything about him to refute what I say.”

The “First Take” host even mocked Whitlock over his career and accused him of treason.

“You cheated on me, did you tell people?” You b****. Did you tell them? You fat piece of shit. Did you tell them that?' he continued.

“I said to (former NBA player) Isiah Thomas, I said to (sportswriter) Dan Le Batard, 'If you value our friendship, don't ever call me about him again.'

“I am a very forgiving person. Not with him. I don't care what trouble I was in, I don't care how many of you out there hate me, whatever former athletes, all that stuff… man, please. I'm sorry. Because I definitely don't hate you all.

“We might have our differences from time to time. But it never is. That’s the exception.”

Controversial columnist Whitlock once compared Smith to “Mini Me” in the film “Austin Powers.”

Controversial columnist Whitlock once compared Smith to “Mini Me” in the film “Austin Powers.”

Smith revealed that he had informed his nieces, nephews, sisters and “boys in the business” about the smear attack he was planning.

He even went so far as to ask his priest for forgiveness.

“I literally called my pastor and asked him in advance for forgiveness and understanding,” Smith said, “because he’s not going to recognize the person he’s about to hear.”

He added: “All the executives at all the networks know what an idiot he is.” And they begged me not to do that. But even my pastor said, “I'm not happy about it, but every now and then we gotta do what we gotta do.”

After clips of Smith's rant flooded social media, several other journalists supported his comments.

'EVERY WORD!! (I) told you all this about this waste of skin! “After that, it’s really time to ignore him and cut off what little oxygen is going to his head in the first place,” Fox Sports’ Mike Hill said.

“Watch to see if there is a single black soul in the sports media who has something positive to say about Whitlock or defends him,” ESPN’s Stan Verrett added on social media. 'Everyone knows. All.'