Still in disgrace Mary39s reaction to Frederik39s kiss raises questions

Still in disgrace? Mary's reaction to Frederik's kiss raises questions

After exactly 52 years Queen Margaret II. Denmark welcomed a new monarch on Sunday. Frederick X. is the new king. The woman from Tasmania, Australia, has been by the former crown prince's side for more than 20 years Crown Princess Marywho became queen with the change of throne.

Moved to tears, Fredrik appeared on the palace balcony after his mother's abdication and was applauded by the people. His wife Mary also made her first appearance in her new role as royal wife. The couple shared a kiss in front of the world – probably as a sign of unity. A body language expert analyzed the intimate gesture and determined that the kiss did not appear spontaneous, but rather staged.

Mary and Frederik: How real was their kiss on the balcony?

Stressful weeks are behind Mary and Frederik. Fredrik faced affair rumors in November after dating the Mexican-Spanish socialite Genoveva Casanova was seen in Spain. The latter denied rumors of a close relationship with the new king. Even so, tabloids speculated that the headlines could have damaged Frederik's marriage to Mary. Rumors that the palace stopped commenting on.

➤ Read more here: The affair rumors don't stop: a spicy video of Crown Prince Frederik has surfaced

A body language expert has now commented on King Frederick and Queen Mary's kiss on the balcony of Christiansborg Palace following Queen Margrethe's historic abdication.

Adrianne Carter spoke to the Chron about the new monarch's apparent attempt to pull his wife in to kiss her on camera. Carter claimed that Frederik clearly staged the kiss on the porch. “Frederik winks at Mary, which means we’re in this together,” Carter said of the supposedly sincere gesture.

➤ Read more here: The new queen of Denmark: Mary became immediately popular

Mary, on the other hand, was initially hesitant. Frederik “pulls her into a kiss, which he tries a few times before it actually happens.”

“This is something he planned and not spontaneous”, the body language expert is sure.

Maria's reaction raises the question of whether the new king of Denmark is “still in disgrace” with his wife following the accusations made against him.

“We see Frederik pulling Mary close and giving her a kiss […] press. She doesn't react at all. “She just accepts it,” Carter said.

Power couple Mary and Frederik

Frederik and Mary are actually considered a smart, powerful couple and, until recently, had a scandal-free marriage. The two have four children: Prince Christian, who came of age last October, also Princess Isabel (16) and the Twins Prince Vincentyou Princess Josephine (both 13). A lot will change, especially for Christian, with the change of throne: from now on, as crown prince, he will be at the forefront of the Danish throne. Therefore, he will also be his father's first deputy if he is traveling abroad or unable to attend.