Strange disappearance of Levi Davis in Barcelona Where did the

Strange disappearance of Levi Davis in Barcelona: Where did the former rugby player and X Factor star go in England?

A 24-year-old Brit, who just a few weeks ago was still playing rugby in England, where he is also said to have appeared in a Telecrochet special “X Factor” dedicated to celebrities, has been missing in Barcelona since the end of October. According to the latest information, the Somali mafia is involved in this fascinating news.

What happened to Levi Davis? The mystery that the investigators and a battery of private detectives are trying to answer hangs around this question. The 24-year-old Briton has been missing since October 29 when he was last seen leaving a bar in Barcelona in the evening.

Since then, no trace of Levi Davis, whose life was only lost in recent years. While he had started a promising career in rugby, which saw him rise above all in the professional club Bath, in the English Premiership (corresponds to the top 14, editor’s note) until 2020, he was trying to break through into the world of music at the same time .

In 2019, he took part in a special on The X Factor, a televised celebrity singing competition, with two other much better-known rugby players, Thom Evans (former Scotland international) and Ben Foden (former England international). All three formed a Try Star group of rugby players and finished the competition in 5th place.

A few months later, Levi Davis had made an impact by becoming the first active professional rugby union player to declare his bisexuality. He tried to dedicate himself more to the success of his musical career, in particular by releasing a few tracks, without success.

But since the end of October, his name has been in the news again against his will. Levi Davis simply disappeared in Barcelona under mysterious circumstances. Almost three months later, the private detectives commissioned by his family and the investigators have still not found his trail.

“He hasn’t used his bank cards, he’s not in touch with anyone… There must be someone out there who knows someone!”

Private investigator Gavin Burrows is asking for information on missing rugby star Levi Davis.

— GB News (@GBNEWS) December 10, 2022

What do we know? According to Gavin Burrows, the famous British detective working on the case, Levi Davis’ bank card and mobile phone have not been used since his disappearance. On the other hand, his passport was found in the port of Barcelona a few days after the events.

Before ending up in this Irish pub, where he was last seen in Barcelona on October 29, Levi Davis would have stayed in Ibiza with a friend for a few days. However, according to Gavin Burrows, the former rugby player had fallen into a particularly negative spiral of excess that would have landed him in dangerous mountains of debt. In doing so, he finds that he owes the Somali mafia almost 115,000 euros.

Partly to escape them, Levi Davis would have fled to Spain. “In fact, he was convinced that they had tried to poison him before,” says Gavin Burrows in the comments of our Catalan colleagues at La Vanguardia. On October 29, Levi Davis pretended to his friend that he had to travel to Barcelona to meet an online person whose investigators don’t know if she really exists or if it’s a trap set up by them was asked who they wanted harm. He asked a friend to wire him 30 euros to pay for a room for the night.

During the night, the occupants of a boat moored in Barcelona port thought they saw a floating body but did not pursue the search further after realizing that all crew members were on board. Could it be Levi Davis? Major searches for a possible body have since turned up nothing. Did the mafia that was after him get their hands on him? Is she keeping him alive somewhere? Or is the former rugby player on the run?

On the part of Levi Davis’ family, who are offering a reward of more than €10,000 for anyone who can provide useful information on his disappearance, hope of finding him safe and sound has all but evaporated…

‘That mother’s instinct. Just before he left there was a message telling me hug him because you just don’t know if this will be your last.

Julie Davis speaks emotionally about the last time she saw her son. Levi Davis has been missing since October last year

– Good morning Great Britain (@GMB) January 25, 2023