Stray Dog in Terrible Conditions Testimony to What Indifference Can

Stray Dog in Terrible Conditions: Testimony to What Indifference Can Do Velvet Pets

A dog completely abandoned and ignored by everyone, a stray in terrible conditions, that can cause indifference.

Stray dog ​​in terrible condition (Source: Facebook-ThisIsHouston) –

The stray phenomenon is widespread in cats and also dogs, although to a lesser extent. Unfortunately, there are still videos showing what human indifference can do to these small animals that roam the streets with no safe place to stay. Especially in this video that we are going to talk about in this article, the condition of the stray dog ​​is really bad and causes a pang in the heart. Fortunately, he managed to find a good and generous person to take him in and take care of him, but that’s how it went.

Stray dog ​​in terrible conditions: the statement

The Dog was the protagonist of this story discovered and reported from a person in Texas. After this person saw him wandering aimlessly and in very precarious health, he called an animal rights group This is Houston. This is busy looking for abandoned animals and taking care of them and finding a new home. But now let’s get to the story of this dog found on the street.

Dog rescued from the street (Source: Facebook-This is Houston) –

When this person called, the association’s volunteers set out to search for and rescue the dog. It was a Shar Pei and their hearts sank when they saw it: he had almost no hair leftEven though he was a young dog, he found it difficult to walk.

When they had the opportunity to see it up close, they realized it was a female and they wanted to name it Madelyn. They immediately took her to the vet, and sure enough, there were some Health problems quite serious, including heart problems, enlarged heart and positivity for filariasis.

Volunteers posted his story on Facebook and raised awareness about how it happened human indifference Handling this dog has brought her to this state: hairless, with pain all over her body and probably psychological trauma.

Treatment and recovery

There was no way to know where she came from or what was done to her. We don’t know if she had a home and was abandoned. It is not known whether she was abandoned immediately after her birth.

Technical data sheet by Madelyn (Source: Facebook – This is Houston) –

We learned this from the social network Madelyn was healed, she recovered, although she was still very suspicious of people. She gradually let herself go and was then handed over to a foster carer.

We hope that this person will keep her with her or entrust her to people who love her and who can love her the way she deserves. Just five years and a very difficult life.

What to do

We take this opportunity to remind you of this Abandoning a dog is a crime and that if you see an animal walking aimlessly down the street, you should do it Call the authorities to make it safe and search for the owner. Never look away and never allow a lonely and defenseless animal to suffer.

Even if you have a dog and can no longer hold it, There are associations it can lead to without any problems.