quotStrengthen border controlsquot Scholz studies them quotArmorquot of the German

"Strengthen border controls". Scholz studies them "Armor" of the German borders

Anything is possible in an election campaign Germany it is suddenly discovered sovereignist, perhaps because approval of the government in Germany is at an all-time low. The country that demands European hospitality, that pays for it NGO The organization that brings migrants to Italy on ships flying the German flag has officially announced that discussions could soon begin at parliamentary and government level about an increased closure of the country’s borders not only with Italy, but also with Poland. It was the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to explain it at an SPD rally in Nuremberg.

In fact, the leading German government anticipated his willingness to strengthen this border controls to protect irregular migrants arriving in Germany, in the context of the ongoing debate in the country about an agreement between the various moderate political forces. The aim is to limit the number of asylum seekers in Germany, which, as he explains, has “increased dramatically”. What Scholz is planning is no different from the project that the Italian government is carrying out, with the difference that our country has no option to close its borders. “Germany strives to guarantee the right to asylum,” said the Chancellor, “but those whose applications have been rejected or who have committed crimes must do so.” repatriated“.

This is the same Italian approach that the left opposition is fighting with the usual ideological and unedifying method to which it has become accustomed in recent years. Who knows whether they will also accuse Scholz racism. But beyond that, Germany’s plan is being implemented with almost blocked borders, while the migrants are sent to Italy by Scholz’s own government, which has funded with 790,000 euros an NGO that operates in the Mediterranean and, like the others, demands the ports in our country .

In the first eight months of the year, 204,000 asylum applications were registered in Germany, 77% more than in the previous year. From Ukraine, more than a million people came. “If we don’t want right-wing populists to exploit the refugee crisis, democratic parties have a duty to find solutions,” said Green Party leader and Economics Minister Habeck in an interview with the editorial network Germany.

Of course, if you look at the polls The taste by Olaf Scholz, perhaps it is understandable why the Chancellor now seems open to a discussion about sealing off migrants. In fact, according to a survey by the polling institute Insa, the center-left Chancellor’s government has sunk to its lowest point: support for Scholz’s Social Democrats (SPD) has fallen to 17 percent and is now 8.7 points below the result achieved in the federal elections two years.

There ideological politics and progressive, which sacrifices national cultures and identities in favor of importing new cultures at the expense of integration, does not work. Scholz seems to have realized, when will the Italian left repent?