Stressed out by tourists, Freya, Oslo’s famous female walrus, could be euthanized

This Thursday, August 11, Norwegian authorities announced they were considering euthanasia to relieve the walrus Freya, who is stressed by overly intrusive visitors.

Will tourist attitudes result in killing the walrus Freya? This 600-kilogram (1,300 lb) female “sat down on several boats owned by fishermen or sailors in Oslo harbor to take a nap,” explains Geo, who points out that many tourists have been wanting to photograph her for several weeks.

For its part, the Obs reminds that the walrus is a deep sleeper whose sleep time can reach 20 hours and that, despite the instructions, the curious continue to bathe near Freya and get too close to him.

reckless behavior

“The reckless behavior of the public and failure to comply with the recommendations of the authorities can endanger lives,” emphasized a spokeswoman for the Fisheries Directorate, Nadia Jdaini, quoted by Le Figaro.

“We are now investigating additional measures, among which euthanasia can be a viable alternative,” she added. “His well-being is clearly affected. The walrus is not getting enough rest and the experts we speak to now believe it is stressed.”

Also keep in mind that the walrus is a protected species that does not typically attack humans but may attack if it feels threatened.