Striped bass draw crowds to Sept Iles

Striped bass draw crowds to Sept-Îles

This summer, beautiful fishing tales are being made on the various quays of Sept-Îles on the north coast, and the abundance of a fierce fish, striped bass, is no stranger to it.

Although the striped bass is not as strong as a salmon, it is said to attract a great deal of attention from the fishermen.

A net attached to a rope is the safest way to retrieve your catch from the high Vieux-Quai.

Many fish have to be released. Only striped bass between 50 and 65 centimeters in size may be kept and the limit is three catches per day per person.

The city of Sept-Îles has encouraged this popular activity and set up a kiosk where you can rent a fishing rod.

Striped bass isn’t the only fish that draws crowds. Mackerel are still very common and make for many great fishing stories too.