1651221956 Striscia la Notia the American girl upset Rome completely naked

Striscia la Notia, the American girl upset Rome: completely naked and bath in the fountain

Striscia la Notia the American girl upset Rome completely naked

We are at Striscia la Nachrichten, the satirical news program on Canale 5 and hosted by the couple composed by Michelle Hünziker and Gerry Scotti. And in the episode that aired on Thursday, April 28, a report is devoted to a special case that happened a few days ago. what are we talking about Said soon: by a beautiful, young and handsome American tourist, who as if nothing had happened She bathed completely naked in the fountain in Piazza Testaccio in Romeafter apparently marching in the same square without a veil.

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To take care of the matter, here is the envoy Andrea Rivera, in the “Andrea Riveraider” version. Hunziker presents the service: “Today Andrea delivers some rough news“explains the moderator (the gag actually envisages a Rivera in the role of the robber). “There are tourists who bathe, but in the fountains. “And completely naked.

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That is why it is proposed again in the service the video of the naked American diving into the well. And you can hear the voices of the residents of the district from the off. “But is she naked? Completely naked? My goodness, but people are really crazy.” Incidentally, the girl’s performance was interrupted by a police operation. So here’s Rivera being spent in a series of sometimes surreal interviews. “But haven’t you ever bathed naked in the fountain? Tell the truth … ” And the lady bluntly replies: ” No, naked, but with transparent clothing yes. “Could it be a vice?

Striscia, the American tourist naked in the well: the service