When the alarm goes off on a Monday morning, there are two kinds of people. On the one hand, there are those who slack off and put off the “ring, ring” of the alarm clock until they give up and get up, and on the other hand, there are those who get up full of energy and enthusiasm. We won’t confess to you which group we belong to (although we’ve already become immune to the alarm), but one thing is clear to us Eva Longoria fully enters the second group.
And it so happens that in recent months the 47-year-old actress and producer has been split as Their routines and habits have undergone small changes. The biggest change? Start your routines at five in the morning. Yes, in the middle of the night. Apparently with this change in their schedules pretend to push excuses aside (The kettlebell needs to have more appeal at 5am than at 5pm, when suddenly cleaning and tidying up the house is much more important than strengthening your arms and legs) and dive deep full of healthy life. And right now we have to say that for what he teaches about networks, it’s going very well; We’ve seen him repeat the feat of getting up early to go to training more than once.
Intensive work in the gym with exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles or arms, together with the subsequent good diet have favored the spectacular physical transformation of Eva Longoria.
However, don’t be fooled. Although we were able to get up at a slightly inopportune time on a Monday, She also joins the team that training is much more fun when accompanied by friends. You just have to see his recent sessions to confirm it.
Eva Longoria’s leg training
With their legendary exclamation “Never miss a Monday” (never miss a Monday) both Friends shared some of the exercises they did where the main focus was straighten your legs (yes, the same ones that managed to set the networks on fire a few weeks ago). Without leaving aside the rest of the body, of course.
So, between laughter and familiarities, they shared how they had introduced the kettlebell to train the arms and thighs; and the bands, the TRX bands and the box to increase the resistance to the movement of the legs and therefore the impact.
Equipment to replicate Longoria’s routine
Russian weight or kettlebel weight
JOWY amazon.com
As we have already told you, the kettlebell cannot be missing; This allows you to increase the intensity of the squats.
Step for Fitness Stepper Aerobics with height
HOMCOM amazon.com
A step slightly lower than his will serve change tempo and pump up your legs with some good cardio.
ankle and wrist weight
REEHUT amazon.com
And while they don’t wear them, ankle weights are a great option; They’ll help you with more effective exercises like the donkey kick (which they also do).
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