Study Number of foreigners in Vienna is increasing

Study: Number of foreigners in Vienna is increasing


A new study by the Integration Fund now shows that the proportion of Vienna’s foreign-born population has increased by almost ten percent since 2017. Overall, 38% of people living in Vienna were not born in Austria.

10.29.2022 28.17

Online since today, 17:28

According to the study, the proportion of foreign-born people in the total population of a federal state is highest in Vienna at 37.6% – nearly 725,300 foreign-born people live in Vienna.

The largest proportion of foreigners is in the 15th district, with a good 48%. Followed by the 20th district with around 46 percent. The lowest proportions of foreign-born people were in Liesing with 27.7% and Hietzing with 27%. According to the study, more than half of the immigrants came from the EU.

Proportion of foreigners increased by around ten percent

By 2021, there would be over 51,000 people moving to Vienna. “Thus, since January 1, 2017, the number of people born abroad has increased by 9.9%. In terms of numbers, those born in Serbia (89,100) and those born in Turkey (65,300) ranked first and second, followed by born in Germany (57,800). Fourth place was for people born in Poland (48,800), fifth place for people born in Bosnia and Herzegovina (46,500)”, according to the study results.

Highest unemployment in Vienna and Carinthia

Foreigners are still more affected by unemployment than people born in Austria. In Vienna, the unemployment rate for both Austrians (10.3%) and foreigners (18.1%) exceeded the Austrian average of 6.8%. The next highest values ​​were in Carinthia.