Submarine missing near Titanic document signed by victims leaked Closer

Submarine missing near Titanic: document signed by victims leaked Closer France

On Sunday, June 18, 2023, the submarine Titan imploded. On board, the five passengers were pronounced dead. just before her boat, The latter signed a document that was leaked today. This press release described the diving risks that arose during this expedition to the Titanic. Actually This document listed all the risks the five passengers had to face, including the risk of death. “The undersigned accepts full responsibility for the risk of personal injury, disability, death and property damage resulting from the negligence of [OceanGate] during his involvement in the operation,” said our colleagues at TMZ, who were the first to publish the three-page document.

The five passengers also agreed not to sue the company responsible for the dangerous journey in the event of an accident, and the waiver would have been reviewed by a lawyer before the passengers signed it. Unfortunately the worst has happened. Bob Ballard, the oceanographer who discovered Titanic’s wreckage, said the Titanic submarine was not properly assessed before it was used to explore the site. He also accused OceanGate of taking many shortcuts when it came to security.

The serious allegations against the company responsible for this underwater expedition

And he’s not the only one voicing harsh criticism. In fact, James Cameron, the director of the film Titanic, also criticized OceanGate: Claiming the company’s safety procedures are ‘inadequate’ and passengers are ‘ready to die’. The US Coast Guard is continuing to investigate the cause of the accident, although the death waiver signed by the passengers could potentially make it harder for OceanGate to accept responsibility for their deaths.