Submarine Titan the oxygen is gone but quotTheres still timequot

Submarine Titan, the oxygen is gone, but "There’s still time": Robot has reached the bottom where the Titanic is located Il Riformista

There is almost no hope of finding in time the Titan submarine Ocean Gate, which disappeared last Sunday, June 18, with five people on board and is making its way to almost 3800 meters depth to search for the wreck Visiting the Titanic up close in the Atlantic ocean off the coast of the Canadian island of Newfoundland. By Thursday morning, June 22, oxygen supplies are expected to be depleted for more than 90 hours. A race against time that hasn’t produced the desired results for the moment, and as time goes on, hopes of finding the submarine and with it the five people on board in time to save their lives become increasingly unlikely .

According to a US Coast Guard estimate, oxygen on board will end at 7:18 a.m., 1:18 p.m. Italian time today. Retrieving it and bringing it back to the surface requires ships, of which there are at least five in the area, and robots.

A first robot, piloted by the Canadian ship Horizon Arctic, has reached the seabed after the Titanic wreck surfaced. Deep-sea mini-robot Rov has begun exploring the seabed in hopes of finding Titan.

Ocean Gate: “There is still time”

For OceanGate co-founder Guillermo Söhnlein, the five people on board have a “Time windowlonger than most people realize. He told insiders, as reported by the Guardian. Söhnlein is no longer involved in the company but founded OceanGate alongside Stockton Rush, the company’s current CEO, who is one of the five people on board and remains a minority shareholder. He said he last spoke to Rush about two weeks before the expedition launched. “Today will be a critical day for this search and rescue mission as the sub’s life support supplies are slowly running out. I’m sure Stockton and the rest of the crew realized days ago that the best thing to do to secure the salvage is to stretch inventory boundaries while relaxing as much as possible. I firmly believe that the window of opportunity to save her is longer than most people think. I continue to have hope for my friend and the rest of the crew,” Sohnlein told Insider, saying he encourages everyone to “stay hopeful” about the recovery of the missing submarine and that he still has “hope” for his Freund and the missing submarine did rest of the crew.

Four hours to bring Titan back to the surface

According to David Gallo, the deep-sea explorer, it would only take a miracle for the people trapped in Titan, also because – he stressed – if it was found exactly in this last “time window” it would take hours to find it bring to the surface”. About four, according to other experts quoted by the BBC: “We don’t know how long it would take, but in a normal operating scenario we estimate it would take around two hours to shut down and another two hours (around to start up again),” explain Alistair Greig, Professor of Marine Engineering at University College London, and Rob Larter, Marine Geophysicist at the British Antarctic Survey.

The robot descends to a depth of 6,000 meters

The searches continue unabated Sounds from the Atlantic region, which is considered “sensitive”, are “credible and repeated“But the submarine has not yet been located. Speaking on ITV’s Good Morning Britain, Gallo said of the sounds from the seabed: “At this point we have to assume it’s the submarine and move quickly to that point, locate it and lower the robots.” but “it takes hours to bring it to the surface”. For experts, it’s not just the lack of air that’s the only danger: the bathyscaphe may also have lost electricity, which plays a fundamental role in controlling oxygen and carbon dioxide levels: when carbon dioxide levels rise, it acts as a sedative. an anesthetic gas that puts you to sleep.

Sky News reports that the French ship Atlante has reached the area where the submarine is missing with a robot diving thousands of meters deep. robot who can dive up to 6,000 meters deep: It is said, not surprisingly, Victor 6000 and is equipped with remote-controlled arms that can be used to cut cables and perform maneuvers to free a stranded ship. According to Marine Traffic, the ship Atalante has slowed its speed to six sea knots and is about 20-30 km from the “mother ship” Polar Prince.

Who is on board the submarine: billionaires and pundits. The trip cost $250,000 each

The five people on board include a pilot and four “experienced” passengers. According to journalistic reconstructions resulting from the social activity of those involved, the French pilot Paul-Henry Nargeolet and the British billionaire Hamish Harding, known worldwide for his exploits, are said to be on board. Harding flew into space last year aboard the fifth commercial flight of Blue Origin, Jeff Bezos’ space company. His stepson Brian Szasz confirmed his presence on the bathyscaphe in a Facebook post.

They are also joined by Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood and his son Sulaiman Dawood, according to a family statement released on Tuesday. Shahzada Dawood is a Trustee of the SETI Institute, a research organization in California. OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush is the fifth crew member on the ship, ABC News confirmed. Even the salvage options would be a challenge if the exact location of the submarine was to be pinpointed due to the great depth of the sea in these areas.

Who is the “survivor” of the Titan submarine?

The excursion was canceled at 3800 meters From depth because it was…”unconvinced” of the security conditions. His name is Chris BrownShe is 61 years old and had booked the trip with Titan Submarine of the Ocean Gate to visit the wreck of the titanic. Shortly before the departure, which took place on Sunday June 18, he canceled everything. His statement is made by the tabloid The Sun, which underscores how Brown had arranged the trip with his friend Hamish Harding, one of the five missing from the sub.

Controversy erupts on social media: “Hundreds of migrants swallowed up by the sea”

Immediate intervention with planes, sonar and remote-controlled submarines to save three billionaires on a journey into the abyss, malicious inaction while hundreds of migrant women and children are engulfed by the waves: double standards, real and alleged, on social media denounced by shipwrecks and searches within days. The controversies, which have seen thousands of tweets and posts circulated across the web, concern two accidents that happened thousands of miles apart but just days apart.

The societal controversy arises from comparing the means employed and the speed of rescue in the North Atlantic with what happened on the night of June 13-14, when a boat that was monitored for some time and then at the mercy of Greece was at the mercy of Greece for hours sank in the waves: At least 80 confirmed dead, but witnesses agree that hundreds were swallowed by the sea.

For example, Susie Symes tweetsEconomist, President of the UK Immigration Museum: “There is a painful contrast between the international rescue teams searching for people trapped in the submarine (we hope they will) and the glaring lack of help for the migrants on the boat .”

All too unfair, even according to Ben Coates, journalist and author, on duty between Britain and Holland: “The Titanic tourists sink in the submarine and the whole world watches while the Navy spares no expense to find them; Hundreds of migrants are sinking with an overcrowded boat: let’s hope you can swim, you losers.” The same phrase appears in the profile of Ethics in Bricks, a sort of “philosophy in bricks” in Italian. The indictment is posted above a photo of Lego-style teddy bears left behind by drowned children with no one trying to rescue them.

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