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Sudan: Important Nile bridge destroyed in Khartoum news

According to the parties to the conflict, a strategically important bridge in the capital Khartoum was destroyed in the conflict between government troops and the RSF militia in Sudan. According to witnesses, the Shambat bridge, which crosses the White Nile and connects Khartoum to the neighboring city of Omdurman, had yesterday clear signs of destruction.

Both parties to the conflict accused each other of destroying the bridge. The bridge, which, according to eyewitnesses and a military expert, was used in particular by the RSF militia to supply its fighters, had already been damaged by bombing by fighter planes and artillery in August.

Thousands dead, millions of people fleeing

In Sudan, the troops of military ruler Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and the RSF militia of his former deputy, Mohammed Hamdan Daglo, have been involved in a bloody struggle for power since mid-April. More than 9,000 people have been killed and more than six million displaced since then.

An end to the violence does not appear to be in sight for now: the peace negotiations that began in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, at the end of October, did not bring any progress towards a ceasefire.