1704865943 Sumar suggests psychologist Alba Garcia Martin as a candidate for

Sumar suggests psychologist Alba García Martín as a candidate for Lehendakari

Alba Garcia MartinAlba García Martín, proposed by the formation of Yolanda Díaz as a candidate for Lehendakari, in a photo provided.Zaloa Alonso

The Basque brand of Sumar, Sumar Mugimendua, has proposed the psychologist Alba García Martín (Bilbao, 35 years old), specialized in social intervention, as a candidate for the Lehendakaritza, according to sources from Yolanda Díaz's training. The candidacy was sent to the remaining political organizations with which a coalition is negotiating joint participation in the next open-ended Basque elections, which must take place before July 12th. Both PNV, Bildu, PSE and PP have renewed their headlines compared to the previous elections in 2020.

Alba García Martín has a master's degree in psychology of social intervention, a field in which she has worked in recent years, the same sources indicate that they describe her as a “committed feminist and anti-racist activist” and highlight that they have worked with her has Basque social movements and who is familiar with regional institutions.

García Martín reportedly ran for mayor of Bilbao in the May 2023 local elections as number three on the Elkarrekin Podemos list, where the party won two council positions Jose M. Abad.

Sumar Mugimendua has brought García Martín's candidacy proposal to the negotiating table between the parties, “in the belief that she is the best candidate for the coalition that we want to form with the rest of the parties for the 2024 Basque elections,” say sources Training, who sees the appointment as an opportunity for “double renewal”: “Of candidates and also across generations.” “García Martín is the ideal candidate to represent the entirety of our political proposal and to accompany the rest of the candidates, who are an example of contemporary, diverse and pluralistic Euskadi,” emphasizes the formation, which will run in regional elections for the first time. Basques.

Sumar believes that the candidacy responds to a “cycle change” in Euskadi and to “citizen demand”. “Sumar Mugimendua is committed to giving the floor to generations of young people who, like Alba García Martín, know first-hand the political experience because they felt challenged to actively participate in social movements, associations and political parties.” In The training denounces that young Basques “have seen their living conditions, their jobs and their opportunities worsened only by policies that are neither in line with their wishes and projects nor with many of their concerns: climate change, affordable housing.” , Participation of women in all areas.”

García Martín “has collaborated and collaborated with groups of elderly people, migrants or prisoners from different associations,” continue the same sources, who support the candidacy with the understanding that it represents “a clear commitment to generational change” and “as an example of it” Sumar Mugimendua's call to a feminist politics, which, together with the fight against the climate crisis and its consequences, must become the axis of a political program aimed at solving the problems of citizens with the necessary proposals to provide them with a fair response in social terms give.” .

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