summer vacation Hema Quebec needs more blood donations –

summer vacation | Héma-Québec needs more blood donations –

(Montreal) Héma-Québec needs more blood donations due to increased hospital needs during the summer holiday season.

Posted at 6:39


The agency announced on Tuesday that it needs to raise another 500 weekly donations over the next few weeks. The needs affect all blood groups, especially the O-Rh positive and Rh negative groups.

According to Héma-Québec, the summer climate often results in a slowdown in appointment scheduling for donations, while the need for blood products 365 days a year remains critical.

The organization notes that making an appointment is the best way to properly plan a blood donation, but says it is flexible for donors who come without an appointment.

Those who have made an appointment but experience a setback are asked to cancel to free up slots for other donors.

In addition to running blood clinics, Héma-Québec also collects plasma, stem cells, cord blood, human tissue and breast milk.