Sundar Pichai promises to improve his AI Bard We clearly

Sundar Pichai promises to improve his AI Bard: “We clearly have better models” – Next INpact

In the race for chatbots, Google arrived just a few days ago with Bard in Preview.

Our colleagues at The Verge explain that comparisons to OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Microsoft’s chatbot Bing were “unflattering” for Bard. In an interview with the New York Times Hard Fork podcast, Sundar Pichai came to play the firefighter.

“Very soon, perhaps while this is online. [podcast]we will be upgrading Bard to some of our PaLM models [Pathways Language Model, ndlr]the most efficient, bringing more capacity; whether in thinking, coding, answering math questions. So you will see progress over time[cette]Week “.

Sundar Pichai also plays the caution card to explain the “lag” of his artificial intelligence: “For me it was important not to introduce a more efficient model before we could make sure we could handle it well”.

Keep in mind that the large language models are worrying several institutions and authorities around the world. The Italian CNIL even made the decision to block ChatGPT due to non-compliance with GDPR.