Prohiben en Francia manifestaciones frente al Consejo Constitucional

Supreme Court in El Salvador registers candidacies of FMLN and Nuevas Ideas

The collegiate body agreed with five votes To the FMLN’s presidential formula and with four yes votes and the abstention of Judge Julio Olivo To the NI party’s map after confirming that it meets the legal requirements. The rest of the formulas must correct preventions, the body added.

The TSE approved the NI formula, consisting of the current President of the Republic, Nayib Bukele, and Félix Ulloa (current Vice President), despite complaints that it violates the constitution.

In the case of the FMLN, the judges voted unanimously for the duo Manuel “Chino” Flores and Werner Marroquín.

The FMLN presidential candidate arrived at the TSE on September 7 to present his registration application. However, the court warned him that he lacked evidence from the Court of Auditors of the Republic, that he did not have a final judgment, and asked him to update his solvency of the Ministry of Finance.

The candidates for the office of President and Vice-President of the Republic must submit two affidavits, one of which states that they are not affected by the disqualifications established by Article 152 of the Constitution (for not having governed for six months in the immediately preceding period have, and others), and the other others declare that they are solvent in the payment of maintenance payments if he is obliged to do so.

The TSE is also expected to make official the formulas of Joel Sánchez and Hilcia Bonilla (Arena), Luis Parada and Celia Medrano (Nuestro Tiempo), José Renderos and Rafael Montalvo (Fuerza Solidaria), José Cardoza and Irma Sosa (PAIS). becomes. and Marina Murillo and Fausto Carranza (FPS), who had to fulfill some requirements.
