Surrogacy, Actress Ana Obregon’s Mom Reveals at 68: "The child was conceived from the seed of my dead son"

April 05, 2023 at 10:02 p.m

The new details told in an interview: “She’s not my daughter, she’s my niece”. Her son Aless died in 2020 as a result of cancer

New twist in the story of Ana Obregonturned to the Spanish actress mother at 68 years old thanks to surrogacy. In an exclusive interview with ¡Hola! magazine, the woman revealed that the girl was born in Florida begotten of the seed of her son Aless, who died of complications from cancer in 2020 at the age of 27. “She’s not my daughter, she’s my niece. It belongs to Alex,” she said. To describe the most talked about case in Spain in recent days, the actress spoke of a “long journey” peppered with “doctors, lawyers and agencies” as the reason for “staying alive”.

It was the tabloid ¡Hola! to break the news of the baby’s birth a few weeks ago, sparking intense public debate about surrogacy, which is illegal in Spain. “Ana Obregon is the mother of a girl born in Miami through surrogacy,” read the caption on the cover, accompanied by a photo of the actress holding the baby.

The new details In the last interview, Obregon revealed the details of the case. Starting by stating that it was Aless’ last wish to father a child of his own. “I made the decision to begin the surrogacy process, which involves the participation of an egg donor and a pregnant woman, the very day it took off into the skies,” she said. The boy, he added, had semen samples frozen after being diagnosed with the tumor that struck him.

Obregon also clarified how he intends to return to Spain with the child: “Legally she is my daughter and it says so in her passport. I will register her at the Spanish consulate and take her home.” In his opinion, the debate at home on surrogacy, in which the centre-left government openly opposed the practice as a possible form of exploitation of women in vulnerable situations, is “absurd”. “It’s considered normal here,” observes the Miami actress.

Legal questions about registration The biggest unknowns now concern the possible complications that the woman might face in registering the child under Spanish law. According to the experts most accredited by the media, the actress’ minor can probably only be registered as her own daughter, and the biological father is unlikely to be able to act as such. In the meantime, the 68-year-old has announced that he will tell the story in a book. “Everyone will understand that it wasn’t a whim,” she replies to those who criticize her these days.



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