there Sweden goes to the polls, votes i social democrats (S) of the outgoing Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson and gives the centre-right, including the far right, a majority for three seats. That happened last night. The result is still provisional: The final result will only be available on Wednesday. There are no foreign voices, but setback and disappointment burned for the centre-left. It is practically the same as the previous election result. However, with reversed roles. Already at the beginning of the counting it is clear that the real winners are Andersson with over 30% of the votes and the right-wing extremists Sweden Democrats (SD), led by the Fuhrer Jimmie Akessonwhat with the 20.7% becomes the second largest party in the country. For the red-green coalition, history seems to be repeating itself from 2018, when the prime minister was a tightrope walker with a minority government Stefan Lofven. It appears to be undermined by the SD by 1.7 percentage points Ulf Kristerson, historical face of the Moderaterna (M), who dared for the first time to open themselves to an agreement with the SD, but without speaking of a real alliance. Imitating his positions in order to fight the criminal gangs who bloodily ravage the cities every day has not done him any good, it is immediately thought. The Swedes, on the underworld equals immigrants theme, preferred the original Executioner to a toned-down stunt double. The theme of security In fact, it declined in different languages and was at the center of the election campaign until the last TV duels. But as the panic among citizens grew as the bills mounted, the epicenter of the debate became the offer andenergy independence under the banner of protectionism, with a right-wing solution consisting in restarting the nuclear power plants and a left-wing one that proposes to decouple the national energy market from the European one and guarantee the country electricity at a controlled price and the surplus to sell to Europe at the currently insane market price. The focus on the economy seems to have helped the Social Democrat prime minister, who has been cornered on several occasions in the debates because the crime implosion has coincided with her party’s double term in office.
The greens are growing (MP), but very little compared to expectations. Data for favourites, for a while it has been doubted that they will even be able to clear the 4 percent hurdle despite the climate and energy emergency and despite being in the home of Greta Thunberg. During the election campaign, they preferred to criticize the opposition parties rather than make suggestions, and voters noticed that. I as well Kristdemokraterna (KD) ei liberal education (L, Liberals). Disappointment also for the Left Party Nooshi Dadgostar. The daughter of a couple who fled Iran, charismatic, prepared, is paying the price to bring down former Social Democrat Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, who caved in to Andersson last November because his plan to liberalize rents was discouraged, directly from her. The Swedes have not digested it and interpret the election of the leader of the left as a pure step to satisfy the thirst for power. Midnight passes, the counting continues, and we continue to imagine Andersson having to contend with a tightrope version of the center party and its leader Annie Löof. Famous for placing herself under the Social Democrat axis in 2018, days after vowing Sweden never to move left, Lööf and her party represent the centrist interpretation of the malpancismo of that section of society that feels little respected. the peasants who live and work in the countryside and the electorate of small neighborhoods immersed in the great Nordic expanses. This appears as a kind of counterweight from “almost” leftists to the SD. In fact, Lööf addresses this electorate when she speaks about equal conditions for all, the green transition, the fight against racism and xenophobia. However, it would take more to keep up with Åkesson, especially these days. The extremist had already prophesied the social bombshell in 2010 when he first entered parliament at the age of 31. In his ranks there are several thugs salvaged from neo-Nazi groups, but he manages to wipe his face, use harsh and direct expressions unpublished in the Swedish debate. Runaway immigration, a “parallel society” to use their terms, is now objective. The increase in shootings and crimes committed by gangs of young foreigners who in turn employ very young people for low wages is a phenomenon of impressive proportions in Sweden today. About the 93% of the votes were polled. Based on this preliminary result, Moderati, Sverigedemocraterna, Krisdemokratica and Liberalerna get 176 seats in Parliament, while Socialdemokraterna, Left Party, Greens and Center Party get 173 seats.