Sylvester Stallone receives a customized Beretta shotgun

Sylvester Stallone receives a customized Beretta shotgun

The Hollywood Star Sylvester Stallone received a Beretta rifle as a gift customized. This was announced via a video posted by the President of on LinkedIn Beretta Arms Factory Franco Gussalli Beretta.

“I have had the pleasure of knowing Sly (ed. Sylvester Stallone) for more than 30 years, having met him on one of his visits to Italy mutual friend MontyShadow – says the President on his social page -. In 2021, thanks again to the late Monty, Sly reached out to us with a great opportunity to make him one of a kind to be able to return to the platform by reminding him of his incredible history of achievements.

After months of work, we delivered this one-off c in the last days of 2022on engravings reminiscent of the great “Rocky” and a handcrafted briefcase in our workshop. Congratulations to the entire PBSelection team who, thanks to their skills and craftsmanship, never fail to manage to surprise and satisfy the most demanding customers. Thanks to Sylvester Stallone for his trust and prayers for Monty Shadow who is no longer with us.”

Monty Shadowthe personal exhibition, to which Beretta refers several times in his contribution, was a photographer, entrepreneur, publisher and promoterwho disappeared in Milan in 2021

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