Taiwan catches fighter jets as nine Chinese planes enter its

Taiwan catches fighter jets as nine Chinese planes enter its air defense zone

Taiwan climbs fighter jets as nine Chinese planes enter its air defense zone on the day Russia invades Ukraine

  • Taiwan, which China claims as its own territory, has complained of regular similar missions by China’s air force over the past two years.
  • The number of planes involved is much lower than the last large-scale invasion, 39 Chinese planes on January 23, and since then such flights have been sporadic with far fewer planes.
  • The ministry said the latest mission included eight Chinese J-16 fighters and one Y-8 reconnaissance aircraft.
  • Taiwanese fighter jets were sent to warn Chinese planes, and air defense missiles were deployed to “monitor activities.”

TaiwanRussia’s air force castrated its fighter jets on Thursday to warn nine Chinese planes that entered its air defense zone on the day of Russia’s invasion Ukraine.

Taiwan, which China claims as its own territory, complains of regular similar missions by the Chinese Air Force over the past two years, although the plane does not approach Taiwan itself.

The number of planes involved is much lower than the last large-scale invasion, 39 Chinese planes on January 23, and since then such flights have been sporadic with far fewer planes.

The ministry said the latest mission included eight Chinese J-16 fighters and a Y-8 reconnaissance plane that flew over an area northeast of Taiwan-controlled Pratas Islands in the upper South China Sea.

Taiwan, which China claims as its own territory, has complained of regular similar missions by China's air force over the past two years, although the planes have not come close to Taiwan itself.  Pictured: J-16 fighter

Taiwan, which China claims as its own territory, has complained of regular similar missions by China’s air force over the past two years, although the planes have not come close to Taiwan itself. Pictured: J-16 fighter

The ministry said the latest mission included eight Chinese J-16 fighters and one Y-8 reconnaissance aircraft (pictured).

The ministry said the latest mission included eight Chinese J-16 fighters and one Y-8 reconnaissance aircraft (pictured).

Taiwanese fighter jets were sent to warn Chinese planes, and air defense missiles were deployed to “monitor activities,” the ministry said, using standard wording on how Taiwan described its response.

Taiwan is closely watching the crisis in Ukraine, nervous that China may try to take advantage to move to the island.

Although Taipei did not report unusual movements of Chinese forces, the government has raised its alert.

China has never given up on using force to bring Taiwan under its control and routinely condemns US arms sales or other acts of support from Washington.

Speaking in Beijing earlier Thursday when asked about the US’s new Indo-Pacific strategy, Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Tang Kefei reiterated that Taiwan was a “major problem” for China and would not tolerate any foreign interference.

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“We call on the United States to recognize the high sensitivity of the Taiwan issue, to stop interfering in China’s internal affairs and to stop playing with fire on the Taiwan issue,” Tan said.

In a 12-page review of the Indo-Pacific Strategy released earlier this month, the Biden administration promised to devote more diplomatic and security resources to the region.

With regard to Taiwan, Washington will work with partners inside and outside the region to maintain peace and stability in the strait separating the island from China, the statement said.
