Taliban fire in the air to disperse a women’s protest in Kabul

The Taliban fired in Kabul on Saturday to disperse a demonstration by women demanding the right to work and education, almost a year after Islamists took power in Afghanistan.

About 40 women chanting “Bread, Jobs and Freedom” marched past the Ministry of Education before a group of Taliban fighters scattered them with gunfire about 5 minutes into the march.

The protesters carried a banner that read, “August 15 is a black day,” alluding to the date of the 2021 Taliban capture of Kabul.

“Justice, justice. We’re fed up with ignorance,” they chanted before being violently dispersed.

Taliban in military uniform and armed with assault rifles blocked an intersection in front of the demonstrators and began shooting in the air for a few seconds. One of them simulated a gunfight aimed at the protesters.

Some demonstrators then fled to nearby shops, where they were chased by the Taliban and beaten with rifle butts.