Tarantula causes serious accident in the USA

Tarantula causes serious accident in the USA

A tarantula crossing the road is believed to be involved in a serious accident in Death Valley (Death Valley), in California.

The unfortunate incident, which occurred on October 28, reportedly began when a tarantula crossed the path of a trailer rented by a Swiss couple on California Route 190.

In a desperate attempt not to crush the spider, the driver of the caravan suddenly braked.

If the tarantula survived and escaped, a Canadian motorcyclist following the caravan wasn’t so lucky and ran into its rear.

He was taken to a nearby hospital; his condition remains uncertain.

Following the accident, the United States National Park Service (NPS) reiterated on its website the importance of being vigilant when crossing Death Valley this time of year.

“Please drive slowly, especially on steep grades in the park,” said Mike Reynolds, the first NPS officer on the scene. There are still patches of gravel on our roads due to flood damage. There are also wildlife of all sizes.”

Tarantulas spend most of their lives in underground burrows. However, they are more commonly seen in the fall when males aged 8 to 10 leave their burrows to search for a mate.