“In these 30 years [prêmio] I learned a lot. I know I can joke with artists, but I can’t joke with other channels. Two years ago I made a joke and said that my dress had the same value as RedeTV! and I was sued. I would like to apologize and say that this year I came with a dress that was more expensive than the standard dress so that we don’t have this problem,” the presenter explained, making the audience laugh.
What happened:
In 2020, Tatá Werneck made a joke about the dress she wore and RedeTV!’s budget. At that time she said: “Guys, don’t notice, I came directly on the motorcycle, understand? I came like this. I picked it up on the clothesline, it’s still wet. That’s the budget for a television station. “For the love of God, guys, I don’t want you to know.”
The broadcaster then took Tatá to court on the grounds that he was a victim of the presenter’s “persecution” and demanded compensation of R$50,000. The company stated that the 2020 comment was not the first from Werneck, who in 2018 “thank God for not going to the Pânico program on the author’s channel.”
In August 2022, the 6th Civil Court of Rio de Janeiro rejected RedeTV! Understanding that the presenter made a joke which did not damage the company’s image. The Rio court also ordered the broadcaster to pay the comedian’s legal fees and costs.
RedTV! has appealed the decision in other instances and the case is still pending in court.