Taylor Swift How was the tribute at Christ the Redeemer

Taylor Swift: How was the tribute at Christ the Redeemer Splash

The place was already closed to visitors. Only a few guests and journalists were called to record the honor. There were also three fans in attendance, representing the singer’s fan club.

According to the Cristo Redentor Sanctuary press office, Taylor Swift’s team did not confirm the singer’s presence at the tribute venue.

Taylor Swift performs at Nilton Santos Stadium in Rio on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Taylor is honored with Christ the Savior Taylor is honored with Christ the Savior. Image: Victor Chapetta and Lucas Bento Agnews

Challenge to the fans

Father Omar, rector of the Cristo Redentor Sanctuary, proposed a challenge to Taylor Swift fans: collect more than 20,000 units of panettone and mineral water by 9 p.m. today to help people in situations of vulnerability and social exclusion.