Tears laughed with QS and the NDP –

Tears laughed with QS and the NDP –

As the news becomes increasingly bleak and worrying, the opportunities to have a good laugh become increasingly rare.

Fortunately, we can always count on the encouragement of the left-wing parties.


Take the NDP.

Jagmeet Singh’s party recently attended a convention.

At the opening, a lady explained the various instructions to the party members.

The last time I laughed so hard was when Ti-Gus and Ti-Mousse sang The Reel of the Rag.

This is what she said:

“We remind you that we will enforce gender parity in microphones. Give voice to people who suffer from systemic discrimination, including women, Black people, people of color, First Nations people, people with disabilities and members of the LGBTQ2+ community.

“To prioritize gender equity, if you identify with a gender other than male, we will give you a yellow card when you register, and you can hold up that card when you come to the microphone so that…” We can you easily identify and give you priority when speaking.

“We, the New Democrats, want to create inclusive spaces and that is why there will be a mobile microphone for those who cannot travel.

“If you have other needs and belong to a group we forgot to mention, please raise your hand and someone will help you.”

Isn’t it great?

It looks like a Saturday Night Live skit!

And after that we will say that Denys Arcand caricatured the Wokes in his last film!

No reason: you are caricaturing yourself!

In short: If you are a member of the NDP and a straight white man who can use all four limbs, stay home, we don’t want to hear you!

Unless you say (during the conference) that you identify as a woman. In this case, we put you ahead of everyone else.


Another excellent source of laughs: Québec Solidaire.

In their first debate, the three leadership candidates for female co-speaker discussed the issues of independence, nationalism and immigration.

They all agree that they are for “inclusive nationalism”.

Um… Unlike who…?

Which party is in favor of “exclusive” nationalism in Quebec?

If Quebec were a country, we would be one of the countries that receive the most immigrants per year!!!

It is not sufficient? Should we welcome more?

“When I see the PQ making a speech about closing the borders, to me that’s not progressive…” said Christine Labrie, member for Sherbrooke.

Uh? The PQ wants to close the borders?

Since when?

The QS debate took place in one room.

There was probably a sign in the room reminding us that the room couldn’t hold more than

It says “taking into account the absorption capacity”.

An idea that even the French left is taking up.

I guess they didn’t get the memo at QS.

Les eaux seront plus agitees pour le Canadien lan prochain