Tel Aviv: "Noa is alive, we didn't raid the house with hostages". LIVE

To help the injured in the Gaza Strip, “only two countries sent ships, us and France. We are thinking about setting up a field hospital, we are negotiating with Egypt.” This was said by Defense Minister Guido Crosetto, guest last night on “Five Minutes” on Rai Uno. “We will, the Presidency is taking care of it, with us and with the Foreign Ministry, host 100 children with their families who are being operated on in Italian hospitals because of more serious complications. We are making our contribution, other countries are not, only we and France have provided this help so far,” he emphasized.

“We hope to get out of this, we hope to convince Netanyahu to change his position: our goal is to make it clear to Israel that we understood his reaction, but that he had to be critical in his attacks and keep civilians out, That's what he did.” “What hasn't been done in the last few months, we must assume that it has come to an end,” he said again.

“The Israeli defense minister himself hypothesized what the scenario might look like after the end of the war,” Crosetto added. “An international contingent, we consider it UN-led, that can guarantee the security of a city, a strip, managed by the Palestinians no longer by Hamas.”