Tele Quebec capsules to facilitate the learning of French and the

Télé-Québec: capsules to facilitate the learning of French and the integration of newcomers in preschool age

Télé-Québec received nearly $2.7 million in financial support from the Legault government to facilitate French language learning for preschool children, particularly those of recent immigrants.

The aim is to enable new generations to learn the French language and facilitate their integration into Quebec culture, it said on Tuesday, revealing the main lines of the project linked to the Passe-Partout program.

The initiative, which is part of the plan of the Action Group for the Future of the French Language (GAALF) and the new Francisation Québec approach, is implemented through 140 language capsules of a few minutes each, interactive audio stories as well as a welcome kit for children new to Quebec arrived. The latter can be distributed directly at Montreal-Trudeau Airport from February next year to reach children immediately upon their arrival in the country. It is said that 10,000 copies will be available.

The text of Passe-Partout, the title of the capsules, is now available online.

“With this innovative and educational project, we demonstrate our desire to work resolutely with the little ones, especially those with a migrant background, and their families, to promote their awareness of the French language from an early age, while facilitating their civic and cultural integration in Quebec .” Company. The sustainability and vitality of the French language are among our priorities and we are working to ensure that all Quebecers, young and old, have access to a range of diverse, flexible, adapted and free French learning opportunities. explained the Minister of Immigration, Franciscation and Integration, Christine Fréchette.

According to Quebec, the government has doubled the budget allocated to francization since 2018. More than $186 million was allocated to this mission in the 2022-2023 fiscal year.