1648105852 Telegram stopped working after a service outage

Telegram stopped working after a service outage

The connection problems started around 17:45 Spanish time


telegram down


Telegram is suffering from a service outage in different parts of the world

03/23/2022 19:19Updated on 03/23/2022 22:13

Messaging platform Telegram has started reporting outages from 5:45 p.m. Spanish time. The application, which is a direct competitor to WhatsApp, faces various connection issues in different countries around the world.

Telegram gives an error on both the server and the main website, as shown by the Downdetector website. So far, the company has not reported the reasons for the incident.

This chart shows a view of problem notifications sent in the last 24 hours versus the typical volume of notifications per hour of the day.

This chart shows a view of problem notifications sent in the last 24 hours versus the typical volume of notifications per hour of the day.


Although the number of reported incidents has decreased, the platform continues to cause connection problems in several countries around the world, including Spain.

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