"Temptation Island"Giuseppe and the marriage proposal to Gabriela: "Do you want to be my wife?"

Orange flowers in the studio
“Men and women“, scene of the marriage proposal by
Giuseppe Ferrara And
Gabriela Chieffo. The couple made themselves known through their participation in the summer
“Island of Temptation”where they had had a turbulent experience: despite mutual betrayals and clarifications that never came, at the bonfire of the final confrontation
Giuseppe and Gabriela They decided to leave the past behind and start a new life together.

After a few months,
Maria De Filippi she hosted in the studio of
“Men and women” to find out where they were in their relationship after getting back together.

A long message from Giuseppe dedicated to his better half makes it clear that things are going well again between the two: “Many years have passed and I can say that I have done a lot of stupid things in the last few years,” the boy began. We went to Temptation and that evening we sat around the campfire and parted ways. That night I couldn’t hear anything, I missed everything about you. Then another campfire and we went out together and that night we didn’t sleep but talked and cried. I realized that what I do with my friends, I can also do with you. I’m so sorry for what I did and for making you cry. You are the most beautiful thing that happened to me in life, you were my first girlfriend and also the last. You taught me courage, you were close to me, you don’t let me miss anything, I even like it when we argue. Your eyes are everything to me. But now I have to forgive myself for a few more mornings I told you a lie, now I’m going to go in and tell you everything because I want to look you in the eyes.

At this point, Giuseppe entered the studio where Gabriela was already waiting for him. The boy knelt down and
he asked for her hand and ring: “The other day I went to the store to get this. I made this ring for you and I want to ask you if you want to marry me. Do you want to be my wife?” Gabriela burst into tears and said “Yes”: “Temptation worked a miracle, I don’t believe it. He’s a different person now, he’s much sweeter: we spent the holidays together, we’re doing really well now.”