1689203671 Tender launched for the construction of 54 warehouse ready units across

Tender launched to build 54 warehouse-ready units across Sépaq network – Le Journal de Québec

The Society of Outdoor Establishments of Quebec (Sépaq) plans to build 54 campable Étoiles at five facilities in its network.

A call for tenders on this topic was recently published. Submissions must be made by August 10 at the latest.

The distribution is planned as follows: 8 in the Saint-Maurice Wildlife Reserve, 12 in the Yamaska ​​National Park, 10 in the Plaisance National Park, 14 in the Mont-Tremblant National Park and 10 in the Frontenac National Park.

Since 2008, Sépaq has offered its users the opportunity to stay in camp-ready units. Over time, the formula was analyzed by architects who reinvented the genre based on customer feedback. The new model “Etoile” is located between tent and chalet and offers more height, more capacity and more storage space.

“Sépaq has developed a ready-to-stock concept consisting of a wooden structure and screens installed on it,” says the tender.

The concept of the “Etoile ready-to-camp” is therefore different from the other models formerly known as Huttopia and Hékipia, now called “traditional ready-to-camp”.

“Sépaq pioneered ready-to-camp in the country by importing the concept from Europe in 2008. The formula immediately captured the hearts of outdoor enthusiasts,” said spokesman Simon Boivin.

“In 2017, Sépaq developed its own ready-to-camp model. It is this model that today replaces the traditional ready-to-camp tent, which more closely resembles a prospector’s tent. We have nearly 700 stock-ready units across the network, Star and Traditional,” he added.

Sépaq issues a tender for the construction of 54 turnkey Étoile camping units at five outdoor sites in Quebec.


“When our traditional models reach the end of their useful life, we replace them with Stars and recycle the used canvases to make wooden holders.”


In the case of the Saint-Maurice Game Reserve and the Yamaska ​​​​National Park, the “Étoile” ready-to-stock installation must be delivered and installed no later than November 2023, while that of the other parks must be ready by spring. and beginning of summer 2024.

“We do not disclose the estimated cost until the tender is closed to avoid influencing the bids,” added Mr. Boivin.

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