Tensions between France Info journalist Julien Pain and Israeli army

Tensions between France Info journalist Julien Pain and Israeli army spokesman Olivier Rafowicz… Blog by Jean Marc Morandini

Tensions between Israeli army spokesman Olivier Rafowicz and France Info journalist Julien Pain, who questions the Israeli army's motives for intervening in certain hospitals in Gaza where Hamas members are and where tunnels exit the terrorists Enable or hide escape:

“The journalists who were there told us that we could not see the spring tunnel in the hospital. What the journalists saw there didn't look like a command center. Why do you say that?”

Response from army spokesman Olivier Rafowicz:

“We are not convinced, we know. We were present and saw it. In addition, we have hundreds of Hamas members who are imprisoned and speaking. Your question worries me because it is unacceptable for a democracy like yours to ask such questions from another democracy.

Ask this question of Hamas, the Salafists who kill. This questioning is extremely strange and even disgusting! It is the work of someone trying to destroy other people's words. That is not the job of a journalist. What are you doing today is a biased question. I remind you that Israel was attacked, and to ask this question is to question the fact that Israel is in a forced war.”

For his part, Julien Pain explains on his Twitter account:

“Official Israeli reports published false information about the conflict. For example, by falsely referring to false Palestinian victims, that there were no civilians killed on October 7th or that there were no rapes…

I had a rather tense exchange with the Israeli army spokesman about the way the media is covering the conflict. The rest of the exchange was less tense. I explained our work. We effectively decipher and verify the information provided by the Israeli army. We do the same with information coming from the other side.”

Watch this exciting exchange on France Info.