Preparations for the wedding between Ze Paulino (Sergio Guize) and candoca (Isadora Cruz) are coming to an end, but anyone who thinks the journey will be smooth and without obstacles is wrong. In the next chapters of Sertao Seathe doctor finally tries on the dress and is enthusiastic about the quality of the garment produced by Teresa (Clarissa Pinheiro), who unfortunately makes a terrible mistake by forgetting the piece talk (Renato leaves). The villain’s outburst will be instant when he comes across his exwife’s dress!
After the clothes destroyed in 2022, more precisely Heloísas (Paloma Duarte) in Além da Ilução and Guidas (Alessandra Negrini) in Travessia, were worn out after impulsive actions by Matias (Antonio Calloni) and Leonor (Vanessa Giácomo), respectively, it was Candoca’s turn Becoming a victim of the madness of others.
Candoca is happy to try on the wedding dress in Mar do Sertão. Photo: Reproduction/Globo Candoca is happy to try on the wedding dress in Mar do Sertão. Photo: Reproduction/Globo
Happiness will be very high at this point, especially after Candoca looks in the mirror already with the ideal dress to marry the excowboy. The excitement was shortlived as Tertulinho fell ill and left the dress in a deplorable state as he screamed while destroying every detail Tereza designed and made.
Timbó’s wife (Enrique Diaz) realizes the mistake too late and is, as expected, devastated. Despite the fear and immediate hatred of all concerned, Candoca and Zé Paulino will remain determined to make the union official.