James Cameron has his say on the subject of AI as computer programming becomes more mature and sophisticated. The director of “Terminator” recalled the film he co-wrote, which starred Arnold Schwarzenegger.
“I warned you guys in 1984 and you didn’t listen,” he told CTV News about AI.
1984’s “Terminator” is a science fiction film about a cyborg assassin and an artificially intelligent defense network that has become sentient.
“I think using AI as a weapon is the greatest danger,” he added. “I think that with AI we’re going to get into the equivalent of a nuclear arms race, and if we don’t build it, the others will certainly build it, and then it will escalate.”
Cameron doesn’t think AI will replace writers anytime soon, saying: “Personally, I just don’t think that having a disembodied spirit that just echoes what other embodied spirits have said – about the lives they’ve led, about Love, about lies, about fear, about mortality — and just throwing it all together into a jumble of words and then choking it out again… I don’t think there’s anything that can move an audience.”
He continued, “Let’s wait 20 years, and if an AI wins an Oscar for best screenplay, I think we have to take it seriously.”