Terrifying moment US tech boss falls 15 feet to his

Terrifying moment: US tech boss falls 15 feet to his death during company's anniversary party after a chain holds the iron cage he performed in SNAPPED

The final moments of a US tech boss who fell 15ft to his death during his company's anniversary party were captured on film.

Sanjay Shah, CEO of Illinois-based revenue management company Vistex, fell on stage during a performance after a cable holding an iron cage in which he was performing broke.

The freak accident occurred on Thursday at the Ramoji Film City in Hyderabad, India, during a silver jubilee celebration of Vistex Asia.

The shocking video shows Shah in the metal cage with his colleague Raju Datla.

A voice implores the crowd to put their hands together as fireworks shoot from the stage.

Video footage captured Vistex CEO Sanjay Shah's final moments before he fell 15 feet to his death during a company event

Video footage captured Vistex CEO Sanjay Shah's final moments before he fell 15 feet to his death during a company event

Shah, 56, fell from a metal cage hanging over a stage on Thursday when the cable supporting him snapped

Shah, 56, fell from a metal cage hanging over a stage on Thursday when the cable supporting him snapped

The CEO performed the stunt at an event at the Ramoji Film City in Hyderabad, India, as part of the company's 25th anniversary celebrations

The CEO performed the stunt at an event at the Ramoji Film City in Hyderabad, India, as part of the company's 25th anniversary celebrations

But suddenly the cable breaks, the structure gives way and the men fall to the ground.

Both men were taken to hospital, where Shah died from his injuries. Datla remains in a serious condition, the Sun reports.

“Shah and Raju being lowered from the cage to the podium was a planned event to boost the celebrations,” a company official told The Times of India.

“Suddenly one of the two wires attached to the cage broke. Both fell more than 15 feet and landed on the concrete platform. “As a result, several people were injured,” said the police.

The police added that proceedings have now been initiated against the event authority.

Vistex was founded by Shah in 1999 and today has 20 offices worldwide and more than 2,000 employees. Its customers include brands such as GM, Barilla and Bayer.

The employees were provided accommodation at the Ramoji Film City ahead of the two-day celebration of the company's 25th anniversary.

Shah, 56, is originally from Mumbai and moved to the US when he was 17. At the age of 21, he received his MBA from Lehigh University in Pennsylvania.

Vistex President Raju Datla was also injured in the fall and remains in hospital in a serious condition

Vistex President Raju Datla was also injured in the fall and remains in hospital in a serious condition

He then donated $5 million to establish the Vistex Institute for Executive Education at the school in 2017.

Shah was a philanthropist who founded the Vistex Foundation, which provides funds to nonprofit organizations focused on health, education and basic needs. He leaves behind a wife and two daughters.

Datla, the company's president, has been with Vistex since 2000.

has contacted Vistex for comment.