Terror in Brussels Suspects in France before an investigating judge

Terror in Brussels: Suspects in France before an investigating judge

A week after the deadly terrorist attack in Brussels, two suspects were brought before an investigating judge in France. They are suspected of being linked to the killer.

As the French anti-terrorist prosecutor’s office said on Monday night, an investigation was requested against her for belonging to a criminal organization. You are suspicious have a connection to the killer, who is still being investigated.

Two other fugitives

Two other suspects who were initially in custody in France were released.

Two Swedish fans were killed in the attack during a European Football Championship qualifying game between Belgium and Sweden on Monday night last week. The Islamic terrorist militia Islamic State (IS) claimed responsibility for the crime.

The attacker, a Tunisian named Abdessalem Lassoued, was shot dead by police on Tuesday. According to Italian authorities, it was known since 2016 that he was Islamic.