1697309906 Terrorist alert focus on targets and intruders Al Qaidas call

Terrorist alert, focus on targets and intruders. Al Qaida’s call for jihad: "Mobilize Muslims" News Ansa.it ​​​​

Al-Qaeda issued a call for jihad on its Telegram channels, urging Muslims around the world to mobilize to attack Israeli and American targets. The call was reported by US intelligence services in reports to the Allies. According to the findings, the embassies particularly invite Muslims to attack Jewish citizens as well as US military bases, embassies and airports in Muslim countries, from the United Arab Emirates to Morocco, from Saudi Arabia to Bahrain. Other countries offering support to Israel are also mentioned as possible targets.

With Israel’s advance towards the Gaza Strip, Islamic Jihad’s call to support Hamas and the attack in France with today’s alarms in the Louvre and Versailles, the shadow of terrorism is once again hovering in Italy. The country is preparing for “difficult months” – according to Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi – and security measures are being increased for all sensitive destinations. The government and security services are on alert, even if there is still no “concrete and immediate evidence”.

Particular attention is paid to the possible entry of terrorists into the migrant flows, which could increase in the coming days precisely because of the war. For this reason, controls will be intensified – as France is already doing in Ventimiglia – with the aim of “intercepting” people with a high risk profile or with previous records. Defense Minister Guido Crosetto is recalling the Carabinieri contingent in Jericho, Palestinian territory, to Italy and preparing to cancel the armed forces’ November 4 celebrations.

“The consequences of wars that seem distant to us – in his words – will eventually reach the whole world and we must prepare for them.” The military escalation in the Middle East and the possible new explosion of fundamentalism in Italy too were at the heart of the order – and security committee in the Ministry of the Interior. Piantedosi was briefed by 007 and the police forces on the current situation in Italy, while the table discussed the inevitable tightening of security measures in sensitive locations. The government’s attention is “very high,” says the minister himself, who does not hide his concern about yesterday’s events in France. “Unfortunately, this type of threat – his words – presents itself in an intangible, indefinite, fluid way.” “In Italy the situation is different, there are no immediate risks,” Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said. “We do not anticipate any immediate threats, but are still on alert to protect any potential targets.”

For Defense Minister Guido Crosetto, the international situation is “on the edge of an abyss,” as he emphasized at the Foglio party. Throughout the interview, he kept his eyes on his smartphone, precisely in the delicate moments when he was deciding on the return of the carabinieri from the West Bank. “There are no longer any safety requirements,” it said in a statement. Armed Forces Day on November 4th is also at risk. “Why do I have to risk giving a platform to a crazy person or a group of crazy people who want to do something meaningful? – asks the minister – I have a duty to think of the worst.” In all likelihood, however, the Circus Maximus initiative will be canceled, while the celebrations at the Unknown Soldier and in Cagliari remain on the program, where the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, will be present. For the second day in a row, demonstrations in support of Palestine took place on the streets in Italy today. Thousands took part in the demonstration in Milan demanding to “stop the genocide”.

Between Palestinian flags and chants against Israel, the UN and the US, the activists denounced the “massacre that Israel carries out every day in the Palestinian territories.” The demonstrations covered most of the major Italian cities, from Turin to Bari, from Cagliari to Florence. No accidents or tensions. Crosetto himself emphasizes: “There is nothing dangerous about the demonstrations.” In fact, the danger could come from lone wolves.

Learn more Terrorist alert focus on targets and intruders Al Qaidas call US gives green light to Ukrainian training on F 16.ico ANSA Piantedosi Agency: “Complicated months, high attention await us” – News – Ansa.it The Minister: “There is no evidence of the concrete threat of terrorism” (ANSA)

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