Terrorists fire rockets at Israel from Gaza Lebanon and Syria

Terrorists fire rockets at Israel from Gaza, Lebanon and Syria noticias.r7.com

The Iron Dome missile defense system intercepts a missile over Tel Aviv, Israel’s economic and cultural center Gil CohenMagen/AFP, October 24, 2023

The terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah continue to attack Israeli territory and cause terror among the civilian population, the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) reported this Tuesday (24) on the Jerusalem Post website.

During the day, Hamas fired a massive battery of rockets into central Israel, triggering alarms in dozens of communities and cities around Tel Aviv, the Northwest Bank and the Gaza border area.

Clashes occurred in Alfei Menashe and Holon, leaving three people with moderate injuries. The IDF said the attacks showed that Hamas still had longrange missiles, 18 days after the war began.


The border with Lebanon north of Israel was also the target of attacks by Hezbollah extremists. According to the IDF, the terrorists fired an antitank missile at the community of Shtula and used artillery fire against Elkosh. The military said the terrorist cells responsible for the attacks had been destroyed.

In Syria, Israeli artillery hit the source of rockets fired by the country from the Golan Heights on Tuesday evening, the IDF confirmed. The army said the two rockets hit an open field.

The threat continues

The most dangerous fact, according to the IDF, is that the terrorist group Hamas still has longrange missiles 18 days after the start of the war.

IDF Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi said the forces were ready to enter the Gaza Strip and neutralize threats. “I want to make it clear that we are ready to invade,” he said.

The ground attack on Gaza has not yet begun because it relies on coordination with the government. The delay will be used to better plan attacks, said Halevi. “In this phase there are tactical and strategic factors that give us more time to improve and make the most of every minute to be better prepared.”