Tesla Autopilot controversy continues after software update – CleanTechnica

I thought I had written my last CleanTechnica article of 2023, but when I logged on to the Washington Post I found an article by Geoffrey Fowler with this headline: “Testing Tesla's Autopilot recall doesn't make me feel much safer and neither should you.” What recall is he talking about? Three weeks ago, Tesla announced it would update the software for its Autopilot system in about 2 million cars in the U.S. to fix some issues that NHTSA said were unsafe.

The Teslafincionados were immediately upset that the word “recall” was used in the headline of our story. They insisted that anything that could be fixed by an over-the-air update was not a recall. They complained that using that word in the title was a cheap “clickbait” ploy designed to get people to read the story. When I posted a link to the form Tesla submitted to NHTSA, with the word “recall” clearly visible in the title for the world to see, they erupted in anger. They were last seen muttering darkly and plotting revenge.

A few days later, many of these Tesla supporters erupted in a new outburst of anger when the Washington Post dared to question why Autopilot can be activated in situations where Tesla says it shouldn't be used. Many comments suggest that Jeff Bezos called the Post newsroom and called for an attack on Tesla. The theory is that Bezos and Musk don't like each other, so of course Bezos orders headlines against his rival. Well, if you want to believe this nonsense, go ahead. Have a pity party. It's okay, you can't help yourself. We understand.

After the Tesla Autopilot update

The recall or over-the-air update – whatever you want to call it – is now complete. So Fowler took his Tesla Model Y — one of the best-selling cars in the world — for a spin to see if the software update solved the problems the previous Post story had complained about. The subtitle of his article says it all: “On the streets of San Francisco, Tesla's updated version of driver assistance software still took the wheel in places it wasn't designed for, including blowing through stop signs.” Here's more from his report .

After testing my Tesla update, I don't feel much safer – and neither should you, knowing that this technology will be used on the same roads you use.

During my drive, the updated Tesla steered itself on San Francisco's urban streets, which Autopilot wasn't designed for. (I was careful to only let the technology work when my hands were hovering on the steering wheel and I was alert.) The recall was intended to force drivers to be more attentive when using Autopilot by scanning their hands on the steering wheel and checked for the street view. Still, my car drove around town without my hands off the wheel for a minute or more. I was even able to activate Autopilot after placing a sticker over the car's interior camera that would track my attention.

The underlying problem is that while the recall was triggered by a government investigation, Tesla was able to determine what was included in the software update – and apparently didn't want to upset some customers by imposing new restrictions on its technology. It's a warning about how unprepared we are for an era in which vehicles can look a lot more like smartphones, but are still 4,000-pound speed machines that require a different level of control and transparency.

Fowler said that after the update, the warnings the software displays on the touchscreen appear in larger font, but his car still allowed him to activate Autosteer on roads where the owner's manual says it shouldn't be used . Before the update, he could drive on a side road for 75 seconds without his hands on the steering wheel. After the update, this time was reduced to 60 seconds.

The car also crossed speed bumps without slowing down and passed stop signs without stopping, even though the signs were clearly displayed on his car's touchscreen. After reviewing the owner's manual, Fowler concluded that drivers must purchase the Full Self Driving software suite if they want their cars to obey stop signs. And this is the problem. Tesla assumes that understanding what features are included in which software package is beyond the capabilities of many. Confusion is not something that promotes safe driving.

“What’s more concerning,” says Fowler, “is how the recall handled my car’s interior camera.” This, along with pressure on the steering wheel, checks to make sure the driver is paying attention and not looking at their phone. When I covered the lens with a smiley face sticker—a trick I'd read about on social media from other Tesla owners—the car still engaged automatic controls. The system frequently warned me not to keep my hands on the steering wheel while the camera was covered. But I don't understand why Tesla even allows you to enable Autosteer if the camera is either not working properly or you're tampering with it.” That seems like a fair question.

Tesla Autopilot and NHTSA

Fowler expressed his concerns to NHTSA. Veronica Morales, the agency's communications director, said the “investigation remains open” and that NHTSA will “continue to investigate the performance of the recalled vehicles.” She declined to comment on the specifics of Fowler's experience but said the law, known as the Vehicle Safety Act, “places the burden on the manufacturer” to develop safety solutions.

“NHTSA does not pre-approve remedial measures,” she said. Instead, “the agency will monitor field and other data to determine its adequacy, including field monitoring of the effects of the agent in resolving the safety issue and reviewing any software or hardware changes in recalled vehicles.” She added that the agency over has several Tesla vehicles that it will use for testing at its vehicle research and testing center in Ohio.

“Consumers should never attempt to create their own vehicle test scenarios or use real people or public roads to test the performance of vehicle technology,” Morales chided. “Intentionally unsafe use of a vehicle is dangerous and may be a violation of state and local laws.”

Still, Fowler says, “Every Tesla driver using Autopilot with the update is testing the performance of the technology while we wait for NHTSA to conduct their own testing.” At a time when software, and especially driver assistance features, are entirely new types of Given the risks involved, it is difficult to see how post-publication review serves public safety. Compare a current Tesla with your phone. Apps are pre-reviewed by Apple and Google before they are made available for download. They must meet transparency requirements. Why should a car be subject to less scrutiny than a phone?”

Taking that away

Fowler poses a fair question, but the partisan chatter between Tesla defenders and Tesla opponents continues to run thick and heavy. The Fowler article has received over 2,500 comments so far, so it's fair to say that people have strong opinions on the subject. Our own opinion on the CleanTechnica FroYo switch is that autopilot has always been a potentially misleading term meaning writing checks that cannot be cashed.

Ultimately, the opinion of a multi-billionaire who is a computer genius doesn't count. It is the understanding of people of normal intelligence who may be gullible or simply confused about what their Tesla cars can and cannot do. Another consideration is whether other drivers even know that they are participating in a beta software trial without their consent.

This is ground that has been plowed many times, and we do not anticipate that there will be a consensus among readers on this topic. We'll just say that the final chapter of this story has yet to be written. So make your voice heard and wish you a Happy New Year!

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