Tesla charging stations in the Chicago area are lined with dead cars in the freezing cold: “A bunch of dead robots out here” – Fox Business

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Desperate Tesla owners in and around Chicago tried unsuccessfully to charge their vehicles amid frigid temperatures across the Midwest.

According to Fox Chicago, charging stations have practically turned into car graveyards in recent days as temperatures have plunged into negative double digits.

“Nothing. No juice. Still at zero percent,” Tyler Beard, who had been trying to charge his Tesla since Sunday afternoon at a Tesla supercharging station in Oak Brook, Illinois, told the news outlet. “And that’s like three hours out here after I was out here for three hours yesterday.”

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Someone pushes a Tesla to a vehicle charging station in the Chicago area, where many of the electric vehicles were forced to stall in freezing temperatures. Many of the vehicles could not be charged at stations around Chicago due to the cold weather. (WFLD/Fox News)

Beard and several other Tesla owners attempted to charge their cars amid long lines and abandoned cars at other Tesla charging stations in the Chicago area, the news station reported.

“That's crazy. It is a disaster. Seriously,” said Tesla owner Chalis Mizelle.

Mizelle said she left her car and had a friend give her a ride after her car wouldn't charge.

Several Teslas at a Tesla supercharging station in Oak Brook, Illinois. (WFLD/Fox News)

“We have a lot of dead robots out here,” one man said.

Kevin Sumrak told Fox that he landed at Chicago O'Hare International Airport on Sunday evening and found his Tesla dead and unable to start. He had to rent a flatbed tow truck to transport the vehicle to a working charging station.

A visibly frustrated man stands near a Tesla that failed to charge at a charging station in the Chicago area on Monday. (WFLD/Fox News)


An expert told the news outlet that cold weather can affect the ability of electric vehicles to charge properly.

“It’s not plug and go. “You have to precondition the battery, which means you have to get the battery to the optimal temperature to enable fast charging,” said Mark Bilek of the Chicago Auto Trade Association.

FOX Business has reached out to Tesla but has not yet received a response.