1697483072 Tesla owners love the new action button and can configure

Tesla owners love the new action button and can configure it for a variety of tasks – Le Journal de Québec

This in itself is a small revolution for the timeless Discretion button that has been around since the very first smartphones, so much so that the new Action button is on the way on the iPhone 15 Pro, a real selling point for this new one Device, which wasn’t the case when it hit the market last September, it didn’t cause a stir.

For example, Tesla owners use this button as a customizable key fob to activate numerous commands before setting off, such as unlocking the doors, opening the trunk or even starting the air conditioning or heating.

Keep in mind that Tesla cars are not equipped with a physical key fob and are generally controlled via the Tesla mobile application or unlocked with a swipe card.

Instead of the ring/mute switch that has been present on every iPhone model since 2007, the new iPhone 15 Pro now features an “Action” button that can be programmed to perform a shortcut (function) of your choice.

While the button can be used to open the camera app, start a voice memo, or turn the flashlight on and off, Tesla owners use it as a keychain without turning on their phone screen or even taking it out of their pocket.

At the top left, the action button replaces the mute switch

The Shortcuts application on Apple iPhones

The Shortcuts app

This action button has become so popular that people post videos online about the different functions they assign to it.

Although Shortcuts commands have been present on iPhones for a long time, the advantage of the Action button is that it makes the process much easier.

Apple is creating a list of possible measures on its new regulation page. On an iPhone 15 Pro or 15 Pro Max, just go to Settings > Action button.

On this page, Apple describes the Shortcuts app and its various possible uses.

Tesla has placed great emphasis on expanding the digital capabilities of a smartphone to replace the lack of a key fob.

Links, in turn, enable many similar tasks. Since we’re talking about cars here, let’s take some possible shortcuts on a Lexus as an example: starting, locking or unlocking the vehicle, etc.

At the top left, the action button replaces the mute switch

Example of shortcuts on a Lexus car

Depending on the other vehicle brands, the procedure varies more or less.