Texas woman sentenced to death for killing pregnant woman and

Texas woman sentenced to death for killing pregnant woman and removing baby from womb

Parker pretended to be pregnant to her family and boyfriend for months and was arrested with the stolen baby

Taylor Parker, 29, was sentenced to death

Taylor Parker, 29, was sentenced to death

Photo: reproduction

An American from Texas, identified as Taylor ParkerThe 29yearold was sentenced to death for murdering a pregnant colleague in order to remove the baby from the womb. The verdict was announced on Wednesday 9th, in the State of Texasafter a trial that began in September that made Parker the seventh woman to be sentenced to death in the state, according to the US Department of Justice.

For months, Parker pretended to be pregnant from her boyfriend and family, hiding the fact that she had undergone a hysterectomy and was unable to have children. On October 9, 2020, the American woman went to the home of a 35week pregnant acquaintance, identified as 21yearold Reagan SimmonsHancock, and stabbed her more than 100 times to steal the fetus.

After a little over an hour of deliberation, a Bowie County jury Wednesday sentenced convicted murderer Taylor Parker to death. https://t.co/Ccuz6MnIuc

— Texarkana Gazette (@TXKGazette) November 9, 2022

Parker left home after stealing the baby alive and was arrested shortly after in her car, about 15 kilometers from the murder. Authorities found her with the newborn in her arms. When asked, she replied that she had just given birth. The baby was hospitalized but did not survive.

According to court witnesses, weeks before the murder, Parker began searching tents and maternity hospitals for pregnant women to turn to. She also watched several videos of births and cesareans, probably with the intention of learning and performing the surgical procedure on the victim. /AFP

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