Thaler: "Finally, fair competition in the EU rental sector"

For the first time, an internationally comparable database has been created for Airbnb and Co. – targeted legislation for local solutions

Brussels (OTS) – “We are finally ensuring fair competition in the EU rental sector”, says ÖVP internal market spokeswoman Barbara Thaler. The negotiating teams of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union reached agreement on a new EU law on data transparency for renting online platforms on the night of Wednesday to Thursday. Barbara Thaler was the main negotiator for the European People’s Party and is pleased with the result: “We are finally filling a gap for authorities, suppliers and consumers. Renting on platforms like Airbnb has long been part of the tourism ecosystem for people in Europe.” More and more people rent and rent online. However, this brought with it some challenges in terms of the legal framework, as Member States followed different approaches independently. Everyone involved has long called for a European solution, which is now on the table.”

“It is particularly important for me to highlight how the law works. It does not regulate who is allowed to rent and who is not. These issues must be clarified locally in member states and regions. With this regulation we are creating the basis through a number uniform registration number for a smooth exchange of data between platforms and national authorities. In the future, non-commercial providers will have to request this registration number, which the platforms use to collect data on how often and which accommodations are rented. This so-called data of activity are then sent by the platforms to informed national authorities. Based on this data, national legislators can then pass tailored laws for the rental of platforms in the non-commercial sector. For the first time, both the Austrian federal states and cities such as Vienna, Graz , Salzburg or Innsbruck will have an internationally comparable database of who does what they rent in the non-commercial sector. With this law, the EU shows what specific legislation takes into account subsidiarity – that is, the distribution of tasks between the EU and the Member States”, continued Thaler.

“The registration number should, if possible, be issued free of charge by national authorities. Suppliers are responsible for the veracity of the data, and platforms must also ensure, if possible, that the information is complete and correct. to the authorities “The data will be received through a national contact point, evaluated and the correct conclusions drawn. For the first time, we are truly creating a level playing field in the European rental sector between commercial and non-commercial online rentals,” concludes Bárbara Thaler. (Final)

Questions and contact:

Barbara Thaler, European MEP, Tel.: +32-2-28-45218,
[email protected]

Helena Ringer, EPP Press Service, Tel.: +43-681-81294880,
[email protected]