Thanks to Brazil, UNESCO is emphasizing a stronger presence in the G20 work

In a statement, he celebrated that the organization will contribute for the first time as a privileged partner to the work of the group, which brings together the main developed and emerging countries.

UNESCO Director General Audrey Azoulay will travel to Rio de Janeiro tomorrow and Thursday to attend the G20 foreign ministers meeting

Although the entity of 194 Member States has participated in various mechanisms since 2020 and contributed to the group's final declarations within its areas of competence, this year marks a milestone in cooperation at the initiative of the Brazilian Presidency.

“For the first time, UNESCO will be included in the list of privileged partners of the G20 and will participate in the entire process,” he emphasized.

In Rio de Janeiro, Azoulay will fulfill a comprehensive agenda and will use the Forum of Foreign Ministers to discuss the Organization's responses to conflicts, measures in favor of the quality of education, the reform of global governance and the ethical framework for the use of artificial intelligence.

Rio will host the G20 summit in November, bringing together three Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil and Mexico), as well as Germany, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Canada, China, the United States, France, India, Indonesia, Italy and Japan . United Kingdom, Republic of Korea, Russia, South Africa and Türkiye.

The bloc also includes the African Union and the European Union (EU), as well as invited countries and international organizations.
