That's how much it costs to be buried on the moon

Private companies are eyeing the Moon as a burial site. Private lunar missions, such as the recent “Peregrine”, aim to send ashes and souvenirs to the Moon. Critics raise ethical questions.

Burials at sea, in trees or in precious stones are probably among the least classical burials. If this is still too “boring” for you, you can also send parts of his ashes to the moon.

Send ashes to the moon

The first Lunar mission “Pilgrim” The private space company Astrobotic had on board not only technical instruments, but also the ashes of the deceased. In small capsules were the remains of at least 70 people and a dog. This was offered by the companies “Celestis” and “Elysium Space”. However, the lunar mission failed due to a fuel leak and the probe collapsed over the South Pacific.

Earth burials can cost up to 7,000 euros. There is currently a burial on the moon between 10,000 and 12,000 euros. The company “Celestis” charges around 13,000 dollars (11,940 euros). The authors used this service Gene Roddenberry (“Star Trek”) It is Arthur C. Clarke (“2001 – A Space Odyssey”). His ashes were aboard Peregrine-1. For the company “Elysium Space”, the last trip to the Moon costs 11,950 dollars (10,974 euros).

Photos, lock of hair and memory card to the moon

However, business with the moon doesn't stop there. In collaboration with DHL, Astrobotic also offers so-called “Moon Boxes” at the. In these, for example Photos, a lock of hair or memory cards be sent to the moon. Depending on the size of a MoonBox, the price starts at 460 dollars (422 euros). A capsule is up to 2.54 cm wide and 5.08 cm high. This time only photos were taken with Peregrine-1.

Criticism of the business model

However, the new business model also receives criticism. Above all ethical concerns get high. With the capsules you could Traces of DNA end up on the Moon and contaminate it. To avoid such contamination, Mars and lunar rovers also have to enter so-called clean rooms before launch, where biological material such as plants, animals or bacteria are not allowed to enter.

Celestis also addresses this point of criticism on its website. According to the company, the DNA would never leave the capsule and also cites a lack of legal regulation.

Celestis is in a gray area here. What exactly is allowed in the space is unclear. States must comply Outer Space Treaty (OST) to hold. This agreement establishes, among other things, that no nation can claim the Moon. However, these regulations do not apply to private companies.

A country decides which cargo will be sent into space. If your own country prohibits this, you can switch to one that has more “permissive” regulations.

Indigenous people see “holy” moon desecrated

In addition to the fear of contamination of the Moon, there is also a Complaint from the President of the Navajo Nation Indian Reservation in the state of Arizona. Buu Nygren sent a letter of complaint to the US space agency NASA. According to Nygren, missions like Peregrine-1 would be… Desecrate the moon. In their culture this is considered sacred.

NASA, which supported Peregrine-1, said it had no influence on private space travel.